Advisory Services - Cloud Impact

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Advisory Services

2020 and 2021 Best in KLAS for HIT Advisory Services

Cloud Impact

Huntzinger works with organizations to develop a strategy and executable plan to move appropriate computing to the cloud. Considerations include what is appropriate for the cloud, scalability, reliability, security, cost, managing multiple cloud service providers, and the risk of switching environments. Huntzinger addresses these challenges using a comprehensive methodology that includes:

  • Definition of common nomenclature for flavors of cloud computing and where each is appropriate
  • An analysis of applications and supporting infrastructure
  • Determine application readiness to move to a form of cloud computing
  • Determine scalability requirements
  • Identify what should remain in the on-premise data center (or co-location site)
  • Impact on cost, security, and existing staff
  • Establish a governance process to drive business decisions and defined objectives

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Cloud Impact

Cloud Impact

Develop a strategy and executable plan to move appropriate computing to the cloud.

Our Approach

Huntzinger partners with healthcare organizations to perform a comprehensive assessment and develop a roadmap to guide the organization through the move to cloud-based services. We engage and customize our tools and templates to meet the specific needs of the client. The assessment has two phases that are done in parallel, Cloud Foundation and Application Readiness, followed by execution:

Client Testimonials
