Advisory Services - Roadmaps

Home Advisory Services – Roadmaps

Advisory Services

2020 and 2021 Best in KLAS for HIT Advisory Services

IT Strategy/Roadmaps

Whether it’s IT alignment via governance, clinical transformation/optimization, regulatory compliance or system selection, Huntzinger has the experience to quickly determine your needs and provide an IT roadmap to get you properly aligned. We work closely with our clients to:

  • Execution roadmaps that provide organizational alignment
  • Develop 90/180/180+ day achievable, executable roadmaps
  • Provide actionable tactical steps tied to business strategy and objectives
  • Establish staffing, capital, and operating needs and priorities
  • Develop a comprehensive IT application consolidation plan complete with associated cost models
  • Specify corresponding technology plan including refresh consideration
  • Identify associated data architecture, integration, and analytics requirements and approaches
  • Define detailed tactical initiatives by year

IT Strategy/ Roadmaps

IT Strategy/ Roadmaps

Provide actionable tactical steps tied to business strategy and objectives.

Information Services Assessment and Planning Methodology (ISAPM)

Development of a comprehensive IS strategic plan begins with an objective and transparent assessment of the current IS ecosystem, defining the required and desired IS ecosystem, and identification of the associated gaps between the two. Recommendations are then formulated to remediate the gaps, using cost-effective and industry best practices. Finally, the recommendations are prioritized into a phased strategic IS roadmap. To accomplish this approach, Huntzinger uses its Information Services Assessment and Planning Methodology (ISAPM), which consists of five specific phases:

Client Testimonials
